Test experiment on this platform.
Please leave your feedback in a comment section about the process, usability etc.
- The experiment will start at a "Start Date" and will last a specific amount of minutes which indicated above. You can also see a countdown - time left before the experiment.
- When the countdown is finished, the experiment begins.
- During the experiment time, you can try to influence the water sample through its photo. To do so click on "Start Session" (this button will be available only during the experiment) and you will see a photo of the container with water. The photo is considered to be an entanglement key to the real object which during the experiment is placed into experimental setup - Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer (EIS).
- When the experiment in progress you can see the plots that are created by EIS. These plots show the impedance of "Test" and "Control" samples, as well as surrounding temperature and other indicators, please see section "Plot" (and then click "Reload Graph" button) at this page and descriptions to the left of each plot.
- Concentrate your attention on the object at the photo and apply your intention to make water in the container more conductive.
- Perform concentration during a few minutes and when finished click "Finish Session".
- When the experiment is done the researcher who created the experiment will process the obtained data and publish results on this page at a "Results" section.
Thank you very much for participating!
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