Researcher: Water Peace Project
Water Peace Project Presents ~ Intermittent Fasting & Consciousness Experiment Series - 2 DAYS - QUARTERLY (every 3 months) on the 20th & 21st, participants will tune into to love & gratitude while fasting on water for 24 hours ~ Starting from 20th at 6pm (your local time) to 6pm on the 21st. Participants will tune for two 30 minute water experiments; on the 20th at 6:00pm ET And again on the 21 at 11 am ET to synchronize their breath and intention for 30 minutes. To participate in this experiment series please join this experiment link to join the live experiment. Together let's set the intention of this water cleanse as a time to gain that clarity. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant to manifest your dreams. JOIN FREE
Read details below to learn more about this experiment.
May 21, 2021 | 15:33 UTC, joke says:    
Thank you! I started too late yesterday due too timedifference, but did it anyway. and today missed the first 10 minutes . But I really feel very gratefull and superclear! Bright colours everywhere with storm and sunshine here in the Netherlands :) I will continue this. love flows! Reply
May 21, 2021 | 14:54 UTC, Water Peace Project says:    
Good Morning & Welcome. Together let’s send our love and gratitude to the water sample and the water we are drinking to clear any negative energy and boost our immune. Please let us know how you’re intermittent fasting and this consciousness experiment experience made you feel. We are feeling light and clear. Thank you and we love you. Reply
May 20, 2021 | 14:18 UTC, Water Peace Project says:    
Good Morning - Welcome to our May Intermittent Water Fasting & Group Consciousness 2 Day Experiment Series - Please tune into to love & gratitude while fasting on water for 24 hours ~ The water fast begins from Today, May 20th at 6pm (your local time) to 6pm on the 21st. Please synchronize your breath and intention of love & gratitude to the water sample for 30 minutes. Together let's set the intention of this water cleanse as a time to gain that clarity. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant to manifest your dreams. Love and gratitude for your participation. Reply
April 21, 2021 | 16:28 UTC, Water Peace Project says:    
We really enjoyed today’s session... The movement of the water along with the shamanic sound journey was so powerful. How are you feeling? Enjoy a clear day. Love & thanks for your participation. See you next month. Reply
April 21, 2021 | 15:32 UTC, Christine Wigeland says:    
Water Peace Project, bless you all 🙏💕💦 Reply
April 21, 2021 | 15:30 UTC, Christine Wigeland says:    
Compassion for ourselves and for the world for the highest good. Reply
April 21, 2021 | 13:47 UTC, Water Peace Project says:    
Good Morning - Welcome to DAY 2 of our monthly Intermittent Fasting & Consciousness Experiment - Together let's set the intention of this water cleanse as a time to gain that clarity. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant to manifest your dreams. During the experiment please direct your sincere feeling of love & gratitude to the water sample. Please synchronize your breath with everyone participating by following the inhale/exhale prompt for 30 minutes. Please feel free to share your experience with us here. Love and gratitude for your participation. Reply
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May 21, 2021 | 15:43 UTC, Water Peace Project says:    
joke , Love and thanks for sharing! Sometime all it takes is a minute to clear and connect. Thank you for your participation. Reply