Weirdly, during the experiment on Sunday, the device stopped recording the data 10 minutes after the session started. The device was "On" for about 12 hours before the session, but for some reason stopped recording in the middle of the session... We still do not know why it happened.
Anyways, below you can see the graphics of the first 10 minutes of the experiment. The experiment started at 13:30 (local time of the device).
During the experiment, we were influencing the water sample in Channel1.

The impedance readings of Chanel1 and Chanel2

the differential value (Channel1 - Channel2)
April 28, 2019 | 19:30 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:    
Weird, today device stopped recording the data 10 minutes after the session was started. The device was on for about 12 hours before the session, but for some reason stop recording in the middle of the session... Reply