Breath synchronization among all participants. All participants will listen to the same audio broadcast. Send Love to all participants and wish them stronger health and immune system in particular. Let's meditate and see how water reacts to the power of our collective consciousness!
Read details below to learn more about this experiment.
Held on:
March 7, 2020 at 07:02PM UTC
30 mins
The experiment will start on a "Start Date" and will last about 30 minutes. You can also see a countdown showing the time left before the session begins.
When the countdown is finished, the session begins. Refresh the page if you think the displayed countdown time is incorrect.
During the session, you can try to influence the water sample through its photo. To do so, click on "Start Session" (this button will be available only during the session). The photo is considered to be an entanglement key to the real object which during the session is placed into the measuring device, i.e. Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometer (EIS).
When the session is in progress, you can see the plots that are created by the EIS. These plots show the impedance of "Test" and "Control" water samples.
Concentrate your attention on the displayed photo (i.e. container of water) and apply your intention to make the water in the container more conductive.
NEW: Breath according to the instructions provided during the session.
NEW: During the session, click on the "play" icon to connect to the audio channel that all participants will listen to.
Concentrate for as long as you wish and when finished click "Finish Session".
When the session is complete, you will see the results on this page under the "Results" tab.
If you have any feedback (e.g. on usability) you can leave your comment in the "Comment" tab of this page or send us an email at [email protected]
Thank you very much for participating!
How to play the sound:
To hear the sound during the session, please click the "Play" button as shown below. Music may not start right away, because it is still buffering.
March 16, 2020 | 01:21 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:
Hi Malena, thank you for your comment and sharing your experience!
In the experimental setup we have 2 channel. Both channels are the same, they contain distilled water and two electrodes to measure impedance. When session starts, the system chooses what channel has more stable history and shows participant that channel for the influence, and another channel stays as control. In this and previouse experiement we see the image of one container of water (channel) and two graphics - one for first channel (has red color) and another for second channel (it has black color). Graphics show the impedance of samples in a real time. In this experiment the control has more significant change then a test channel. That channel had a black graphic.
It maybe happened because we actually can influence both channels through its graphics, same as a picture. In the next experiment "... Group Healing #3" we removed graphics and not showing them during the session, so people can concentrate only on Test graph (not control). And in that experiment we got interesting result: test channel went up and control did not have any change. Hopefully that helps)
Hi Anton Fedorenko, I am new to this study. What does it mean when the black channel is significantly high? Can you say more about the findings? Also, I forgot to mention that about 8 mins before the study period ended, I started tearing up and again 2 mins before the end.
March 14, 2020 | 17:59 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:
Hi Anne, thank you very much for your comment! In today's experiment we will not have plots during the experiment, but only after the experiment! Let's see how it goes! Thank you!
March 7, 2020 | 20:09 UTC, Anne Ulrich says:
I was wondering whether it is really beneficial to simultaneously display the control channel on the screen during the experiment. Could this lead to an undesirable connection between the viewer and the control sample, or even between channel 1 and channel 2? (Besides the risk of some viewers mixing up their intent on the red or the black channel, which seem to have been used interchangeably). Focusing purely on the channel to be influenced might make more sense, as the results on both channels will be available to everyone anyhow after the session. One further point is that the instructions mention conductivity, while the graph displays impedance, hence this inverse relationship might be confusing to non-physicists. Perhaps one could simply ask people to intentionally make the graph go down. But it’s a marvelous set-up, thank you very much, Anton!
Thank you, Anton. For doing all this work. Love from Bavaria, Cornelia
March 7, 2020 | 19:34 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:
Thank you very much, Artur, for your feedback!
March 7, 2020 | 19:33 UTC, Artur Bartosik says:
Truly lovely experience, a very special quality to the white light in the water. Also, lovely violet light shifting into purple. Breathing quite intense bringing about subtle vibrations. The high tones of the music strongly resonating with my inner space. I have discovered a side of my identity unknown to me before. I might cal it "Love of the Warrior". Very interesting indeed.
March 7, 2020 | 19:32 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:
Thank you everyone for participating! It looks like a black channel very significantly high.
March 16, 2020 | 01:21 UTC, Anton Fedorenko says:    
Hi Malena, thank you for your comment and sharing your experience! In the experimental setup we have 2 channel. Both channels are the same, they contain distilled water and two electrodes to measure impedance. When session starts, the system chooses what channel has more stable history and shows participant that channel for the influence, and another channel stays as control. In this and previouse experiement we see the image of one container of water (channel) and two graphics - one for first channel (has red color) and another for second channel (it has black color). Graphics show the impedance of samples in a real time. In this experiment the control has more significant change then a test channel. That channel had a black graphic. It maybe happened because we actually can influence both channels through its graphics, same as a picture. In the next experiment "... Group Healing #3" we removed graphics and not showing them during the session, so people can concentrate only on Test graph (not control). And in that experiment we got interesting result: test channel went up and control did not have any change. Hopefully that helps) Reply